

Friday, August 26, 2011

Moving...........moving on!!

Several weeks ago, Chris and I drove over to the West Coast to the LTWS in Hokitika. A great long weekend and a good break from the events in Christchurch.
Movement - these 4 images illustrate it - water, clouds, time.... - but that is not the movement I have in mind this week.
The earth continues to move (we have had enough), the snow falls and moves off the roof, demolishing our spouting, to land in a heap on our front doorstep (what have we done to deserve this?), last Tuesday Chris's Mum is moved with urgency into a full dementia care unit ( a sad day for a wonderful lady), and today she moves on in that inevitable shuffle towards the grave by having a significant TIA ( a further sad moment in the movement of life).
Ho hum!! She was sleeping peacefully when we left her tonight. Sleep deep Eileen. You deserve it.

The movement in the image is the water escaping Lake Kaniere via the outlet.

Dorothy Falls on the Lake Kaniere Road

Sunrise at the Totara River lagoon near Ross, Westland.

Looking north from Greymouth up the West coast towards Punakaiki on a moody evening.

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